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ArCon - 3D objects in ACO format
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A series of brand PolySystem
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3D Download / PolySystem / Hatria-Sculture
Order: Brand/Series Name Date
Number of 3D models found: 24
6 / 1 / 2002
Dimensions: 595x400x400
Description: YR42 bidet sculture
Formats: ACO
6 / 1 / 2002
Dimensions: 1125x589x505
Description: YR40 polostĺp Sculture
Formats: ACO
6 / 1 / 2002
Dimensions: 318x394x647
Description: YR39 stĺp Sculture
Formats: ACO
6 / 1 / 2002
Dimensions: 1100x570x490
Description: YR38 umývadlo Sculture 110 s polnohou
Formats: ACO
6 / 1 / 2002
Dimensions: 1100x560x830
Description: YR38 YR39 umývadlo Sculture 110 s nohou
Formats: ACO
6 / 1 / 2002
Dimensions: 768x576x505
Description: YR37 umývadlo Sculture 77
Formats: ACO
6 / 1 / 2002
Dimensions: 770x565x850
Description: YR37 YR39 umývadlo Sculture 77 s nohou
Formats: ACO
6 / 1 / 2002
Dimensions: 810x615x421
Description: Y0YG umývadlo Grandangolo 130
Formats: ACO
6 / 1 / 2002
Dimensions: 403x676x441
Description: Y0RU WC Sculture závesné, soft close
Formats: ACO
6 / 1 / 2002
Dimensions: 403x601x440
Description: Y0RT WC Sculture, soft close
Formats: ACO
6 / 1 / 2002
Dimensions: 810x550x205
Description: Y0MV umývadlo 70 Sculture 2
Formats: ACO
6 / 1 / 2002
Dimensions: 520x520x200
Description: Y0MU umývadlo 52 Sculture 2
Formats: ACO
6 / 1 / 2002
Dimensions: 404x578x440
Description: Y0MT závesné WC
Formats: ACO
6 / 1 / 2002
Dimensions: 400x575x375
Description: Y0MS bidet Sculture 2
Formats: ACO
6 / 1 / 2002
Dimensions: 900x525x200
Description: Y0MQ umývadlo 90 Sculture 2, na plochu
Formats: ACO
6 / 1 / 2002
Dimensions: 403x722x821
Description: Y0MM spodné napúsťanie do nádržky
Formats: ACO
6 / 1 / 2002
Dimensions: 650x490x430
Description: Y0LZ umývadlo Sculture 65 s polnohou
Formats: ACO
6 / 1 / 2002
Dimensions: 677x529x828
Description: Y0LZ YR39 umývadlo Sculture 65 s nohou
Formats: ACO
6 / 1 / 2002
Dimensions: 403x722x821
Description: Y0LG WC kombi Sculture + normal sedátko
Formats: ACO
6 / 1 / 2002
Dimensions: 605x400x440
Description: Y0LF misa Sculture závesná
Formats: ACO
Mass downloading
Software for mass downloading multiple models
28.2.2025 – AEC-DATA - 25 years
The AEC-DATA server was launched 25 years ago. On February 29, 2000, our server was presented to our partners and journalists. The science fiction writer Ondřej Neff gave the opening speech and baptized our efforts. It turned out that science fiction had become reality. Today, we have users in 106 countries, and we are part of the 3D support for designers at several multinational companies.
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27.12.2024 – Trachea - update 12/2024
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27.11.2024 – Hobis Update 11/2024
The Hobis brand made a complete revision 3D of office furniture. Acoustic boxes, containers, height adjustable tables, table accessories.